2012 – 2016
CH2MHill – Global Sector Lead – Containers and Member of Port and Maritime Management Team.
Ports Regional Business Development Director Latin America.
1988 – 2012
Halcrow Group Limited.
2008 – 2012
Global Client Director – Marine Terminals
Responsible for key client accounts for Halcrow with major container terminal operators, providing point of contact and co-ordination of Halcrow services and business development in this sector.
Project Director – responsible for oversight and coordination of container terminal projects undertaken by Halcrow globally.
Halcrow acquired by CH2MHill in 2012.
UAE – Mina Khalid Masterplan – Project Director Advisor / Technical Reviewer
Technical advisor and review for masterplan for development at Mina Khalid, UAE.
Egypt – Alexandria Container Terminal II – Project Director
Project director for technical support to concession bid.
Client Hutchison Ports.
India – JNPT Concession Bid – Project Director
Project Director for concession bid providing technical support for new container terminal including suspended deck structure and major reclamation.
Client ICTSI.
India – NSIGT Container Terminal Expansion – Project Director
Project Director for expansion of container terminal at NSIGT. Technical advisor, planner and project oversight.
Client DP World.
Panama – Telfer Island Container Terminal – Project Director
Project Director and technical advisor for new 3m TEU container terminal and intermodal facility.
Client Hutchison Ports.
Georgia – Batumi Container Terminal Expansion – Project Director
Project Director and technical advisor for yard expansion at the port.
Client ICTSI.
Chile: Port of Valparaiso Expansion –Terminal Planner
Senior terminal planner responsible for concepts and costs estimate for phased development of new container terminal at the port. Site inspections and planning.
Client Ultramar.
Philippines: Port of Davao Container Terminal – Project Advisor
Technical evaluation, site inspections, master planning and cost estimates for terminal upgrade.
Client ICTSI.
Europe: Gothenburg Container Terminal Concession Bid – Project Director and Technical Advisor
Project Director and technical advisor for port concession bid.
Client ICTSI.
Italy: Taranto Container Terminal – Project Engineer
Project engineer for assessment of quay wall infrastructure at TCT for Hutchison Ports.
2010 – 2011
Argentina: Tecplata Container Terminal – Project Director
Project Director and technical advisor to project financial advisors (HSBC) responsible for monitoring development of brown field container terminal development in La Plata. Work scope includes design reviews, quarterly construction monitoring and annual reviews of operations for 10 years.
Sierra Leone – Concession Bid Support – Project Director
Project Director and technical advisor to concession bid for container terminal. Technical review of existing structures.
Client APM Terminals.
Liberia: Freeport Concession Bid Support – Project Director
Project Director for concession bid for expansion and redevelopment of container terminal facilities.
Client APM Terminals.
Italy – Venice Offshore Terminal – Technical Advisor
Technical advisor for a study into feasibility and concepts of an offshore terminal outside the lagoon of Venice. Project scope included master planning and a simulation study of the access channel and vessel movements before and after implementation of the proposed scheme.
Client – Venice Port Authority.
Russia: Novorossiysk Container Terminal Planning, Project Director
Container terminal planning commission, work scope included yard planning, costs estimates and equipment specification and deployment recommendations.
Client NCT.
Syria – Tartous RTGC Deployment Study – Project Director
Assessment of existing terminal to accommodate RTGC deployment. Scope included site investigation, terminal planning, pavement evaluations and cost estimates for upgrade and maintenance.
Client ICTSI.
Ghana Inland Container Terminal – Project Director
Project Director for detailed design and contract documents for inland container terminal, Tema.
Client APM Terminals.
Venezuela : Puerto Cabello Container Terminal, Technical Advisor
Master planning of new terminal facilities for DP World.
UK: Felixstowe South Container Terminal – Technical Advisor
Technical advisor to project team for design checking and Employers Representative on site for new Berths 8 and 9; known initially as Felixstowe South. Project officially opened September 2011.
Client Port of Felixstowe (HPH)
Egypt: Alexandria Container Terminal – Project Director
Detailed design and site supervision of new terminal paving and container plinths for yard storage in Alexandria CT. All works completed inside operational terminal.
Client Hutchison Ports.
Georgia: Port of Poti Concession Bid – Project Director
Technical engineering support to Hutchison Port Holdings for their concession bid for the Poti Container Terminal and associated free trade zone.
Market Sector Director – Containers
Appointment as global head of container terminal business sector responsible for management, business development and oversight of sector performance and projects on global scale.
Pakistan Deepwater Container Port –Technical Advisor
Responsible for technical advice for detailed design of port infrastructure and oversight of terminal layout planning.
Client Hutchison Ports.
Pakistan Deepwater Container Port –Project Manager
Technical support to Hutchison Port Holdings for their successful concession bid for new deepwater container terminal. Project included cost estimates, conceptual design, methodology and construction programme. HPH awarded concession Sept 2007.
Argentina – Container Terminal Scoping Study, Project Manager
Technical lead for study to identify suitable location for new container terminal within 80km of Buenos Aires. Scope included navigation assessments, site visits, transport connections and conceptual planning. Preferred site identified as La Plata.
Client P&O Ports North America.
Russia: Novorossiysk Container Terminal Study
Project management and terminal planning for option study of existing container facility – Black Sea.
New York, USA – responsible for due diligence of Han Padron Associates, acquisition and integration. Resident in NYC for 2 years.
Brazil: Itapou Container Terminal – Project Manager
Technical review of design on behalf of potential project partner for development of new container terminal.
Client P&O.
Costa Rica: Amega Gateway Container Terminals, Project Planner
Study of potential sites for new transhipment container terminal and rail link. Responsible for major contribution to initial report and undertook site visit and inspections.
Colombia: Propilco Dock Feasibility Study, Project Manager and Planner
Project Manager for study of an additional berth at polypropylene plant.
Peru: Porto of Callao Container Terminal – Muelle Sur, Project Manager
Concession bid support to P&O ports for new container terminal at Puerto Callao. Terminal planning, cost estimates, conceptual design, phased construction plans and methodology. All documents and drawings delivered to P&O in Spanish. P&O ultimately won the concession just before being taken over by DP World.
Mexico: Lazaro Cardenas Container Terminal, Project Manager and Terminal Planner
Concession bid support to P&O for new container Terminal at Lazaro Cardenas.
USA : West Palm Beach Container Operations Due Diligence, Project Manager and Terminal Planner
Due diligence study of existing operation of Tropical Shipping at Port of West Palm Beach, on behalf of the Port.
UK : Miami Seaport Redevelopment, Project Manager
Geotechnical review and specialist technical advice to P&O.
UK/USA: Port Newark Container Terminal – 15 Acre Site
Site Representative during data collection period, responsible for pre-design meetings with PANJNY and layout planning for additional 15 acre yard facility. UK responsibilities included technical advisor to design/planning process.
UK/USA: Comprehensive Port Improvement Plan, Port of New York & New Jersey, Port Planner
Responsible for existing capacity assessments of port facilities for a 5 year study into master plans for development of all marine terminals.
UK: Takreer Berths and Oil Movement Study – Abu Dhabi, Project Manager
For multi-discipline infrastructure and operations study for the Takreer/Ruwais oil refinery in Abu Dhabi. Work scope included berth occupancy ship simulation modeling (ARENA), detailed analysis of shipping patterns, loading rates and parcel sizes, structural review of existing trestle and dolphins and financial/cost assessments for refinery throughput to 2020.
UK: London Gateway, Project Engineer
Responsible for initial dredging and reclamation technical report and yard planning options for RTG and RMG operations, associate with P&O’s proposed container terminal development at the former Shell Haven site on the River Thames.
UK: Southampton Container Terminal – Pre-gate Inspection Area, Project Engineer
For design and specification of pre-gate inspection area.
Panama/UK: Port of Cristobal Feasibility Study – Panama, Project Manager and Field Engineer
For the provision of additional container terminal facilities at the existing port. Work scope included data collection site visit with specialist team, condition surveys and material testing of existing infrastructure and options study for a new 350m container berth, ro-ro facility and intermodal rail facility.
UK: Port of Sunderland Regeneration Study, Project Engineer
Multi-discipline regeneration team. Responsible for technical review of existing berths and operational constraints. Preparation of port development plan, which contributed to overall study for the phased regeneration of the port estate.
Panama : Port of Cristobal Refurbishment, Project Manager and Field Engineer
Responsible for refurbishment of key elements of aging port infrastructure, including container yard and cruise facility pavements, building refurbishment and infrastructure surveys of port estate.
Malaysia: Port of Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas, Port Planner
Multi discipline project team. Additional responsibility for work package planning.
UK: Port of Balboa – Panama, Design Engineer
Design engineer responsible for masterplan of overall port and initially the proposed 350m deep water Post Panamax Container Berth and associated 10ha container yard, involving 1million cubic meters of reclamation.
UK: Southampton Container Terminal – Berth 207, Deputy Resident Engineer
Site supervision and associated duties of Engineer’s Representative for £19 million container berth extension.
UK: Southampton Container Terminal – Berth 207, Project Engineer
Design engineer for port infrastructure. Particular responsibility for crane rails, fenders, quay furniture and services associated with a 420m berth extension.
UK: Ilfracombe Harbour Development, Project Engineer
Responsible for harbour development feasibility report, including design storm prediction, mathematical modelling of wave penetration, marina/ferry berth layouts and associated cost estimate.
UK: DWS Bincleaves, Project Engineer
Responsible for a feasibility report for relocating naval corrosion testing facilities to DRA Bincleaves. Work scope included technical feasibility, dual risk cost estimates and investment appraisals.
UK: Belize City Infrastructure Project, Belize Boardwalk Design, Project Engineer
Design engineer for a timber boardwalk.
UK: Bristol Bulk Handling Terminal, Avonmouth – Site Based, planning engineer
On site responsibility for planning and monitoring all contracts for the £120 million project as part of the Halcrow-Soros-National Power project management team. Associated responsibility for monthly progress and finance reports.
UK: Doha West Bay Lagoon, Project Engineer
Design engineer responsible for marina layout, berthing arrangements and associated land based infrastructure.
UK: DWS Feasibility Report for Covered Enclosures to Rosyth Dry Docks 1 and 2, Project Manager
Project manager for alternative options report to provide temporary covering to dry docks numbers 1 and 2. Study assessed both financial and technical merits of alternatives.
UK: DWS Ro-Ro Facility, Project Engineer
Ro-ro facility feasibility report. Technical recommendations together with financial assessment included in report.
UK: M40 Widening Junctions 1A-3, Project Engineer
Responsible for feasibility report on the use of Porous Asphalt wearing course on the proposed M40 scheme. Design engineer for safety barriers and conceptual surface water drainage layout.
UK: M40 Widening Junctions 1A-3, Planning Engineer
Responsible for planning 1200 design activities of the motorway widening contract using WELCOM OPENPLAN software. Subsequent progress monitoring during detailed design with associated progress reporting to the client.
UK: Second Severn Crossing, Drawings Manager
Responsible for resource management of 15 draughtsmen involved in the production of over 100 contract drawings. Monitoring of progress on a daily basis and rescheduling work whenever necessary to meet strict deadlines. Liaison between draughtsmen, engineers and project management.
UK: Various Water Treatment Works, reinforced concrete designer
General reinforced concrete design for water treatment works.
UK: M40 Widening, Junctions 4-5, High Wycombe – Site Supervision, Assistant Engineer
16 months’ site supervision of the widening of 12km of the existing two lane M40 to three lanes, with associated demolition and reconstruction of nine overbridges. Involved in all aspects of site work including particular responsibility for two 40m overbridges, safety fence testing throughout the scheme and supervision of pavement overlay.
UK: Medway Approach Channel Dredging and Reclamation Project, Kent – Site Supervision, Site Engineer
Responsible for reclamation supervision, quantities, material sampling, ordnance records, hydrographic survey supervision and variation orders over a four month period. The contract was to remove 2.7 million cubic metres of material from the Medway Approach Channel using trailing suction dredgers and reclaim 50ha of mudflats adjacent to Sheerness Docks using selected dredged material.
UK: Lappel Bank Wave Climate Study, River Medway
Responsible for the mathematical modelling of the wave climate for the proposed land reclamation and port development at Lappel Bank. A monochromatic wave model MSWAVE was used to study the change in wave climate adjacent to the reclamation and to predict any detrimental effects to Sheerness Port operation. Responsible for associated report.
UK: Port Edgar Marina, Scotland
Responsible for additional runs of mathematical wave model to investigate the resulting wave climate for different marina layouts.
Tunisia/UK: Tunis North Lake Project
Site work involving visual inspection of rip rap, water quality control gates, earth separation dam and underwater inspection of aforementioned gates and canal bed protection. Responsible for the end of maintenance period inspection report.
UK: Amiri Diwan Lagoon and Marina Project, Kuwait
Provision of a security breakwater, lagoon and marina for new palace and ministerial offices.
Involved in the feasibility study for the revision of the breakwater cross section to incorporate a lean sand asphalt membrane. Halcrow project representative during sand asphalt laboratory testing in Holland.
UK: Zoned Eutrophication and Biological Re-circulation Algorithm (ZEBRA), software programmer
Part of team for development and formulation of the source code for the ZEBRA mathematical model, primarily developed to study algae growth and pollution within Tunis North Lake in Tunisia.
UK: Dubal Coastal Protection Study, Dubai
Responsible for updating the coastal protection report to include recent survey data and design of protection schemes for the coastline adjacent to the Dubai Aluminium Works, which in recent years had eroded significantly.
UK: Beach Reclamation North of Hamriya Port, Dubai
Responsible for mathematical modelling of coastline to investigate the effects of the proposed development upon the littoral transport of sediment past the reclamation. The reclamation was achieved by backfilling behind offshore rock breakwaters.